How do i block porn websites?

Here we discuss how to block porn websites from your computer.

Questions about blocking porn sites:
How do i block porn websites?
How do I block porn from my computer, so I can’t see it?
How can i block my computer for browsing porn sites?
How to block porn on windows 7?
How do you block lesbian porn sites?

An hour ago I caught my sister Sydney watching lesbian porn and masturbating with a strap on dildo. What should I do? because she’s too young to be exposed to sexual contents on the internet. And it’s a bad example for my little sister. Should I plug out her pc?

For Firefox only users: block porn adverts with free Adblock plus.
If you’re seeking to block porn adverts you can do so with Adblock plus in firefox. Its a free plugin/add-on

Block porn sites to protect children
if you’re wishing to block porn sites in order to prevent children or something from viewing them you can use programs like net nanny, or even web site filters built into most web browsers.

Only allow specified websites in IE?
With the built in filters, essentially you only allow unrestricted access to websites on the "allowed" list and the rest need a password to access. To find it in IE8, press alt, click on tools, then click internet options, then click the tab that says content. There will be your settings for parental controls.

Depends on the method of blocking. Any site, and I do mean ANY site, can be blocked. It just depends on how intelligent your network administrator is. But the blocking can be bypassed too, it depends on how intelligent the user who wants to visit porn.

If you’re looking at trying to circumvent a block on a network other than your own you might consider setting up a proxy server on your home machine. This would allow you to use it as a gateway to access any site regardless of the network block at work. Well, until they block your proxy server.

But if you choose the Porn filter from Aobo software, you will see that no one can bypass the filter with a Proxy through Aobo Porn Filter.

Why? Because Aobo Porn filter blocks the porn websites by keywords, it will block the webpage when porn keywords are found. Aobo Porn Filter works with all popular web browsers. It can:

  • Filter porn web sites automatically
  • Running in stealth and undetectable mode
  • Blocks all porn web sites through web proxies
  • Block applications, browsers, games.
    With this feature, you can block other browsers and restrict the user to one browser only. So they can’t bypass the blocker with another browser.
  • Password protected, so that no one can change the blocker setting except you.
  • To get a website unblocked by Aobo Porn Filter. You can easily add it to the Aobo Porn Filter White List.

Get Aobo Web Filter Porn Blocker Now


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